1/2, riv decision w tp

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  • #1667
    Chuck M

    Hey all
    I went to play today (1st time in 3 weeks, i was missing poker).
    That went bad tho, couldn’t win a hand and ran a little bit bad. That plus I think I made some mistakes, and here’s one, maybe.

    I open J9s in mp to 7 (maybe to loose of an open, dunno). I got one call. The guy got felted maybe 15 minutes earlier with Q2s < 52 on a 225xx board. I wouldn’t say he’s super tilted, but surely a bit upset. He reloaded to 250.

    Flop 9 high, i cbet (well maybe i forgot some details in smp, haven’t taken notes in the session, just wrote them afterwards). Maybe the flop was 3way actually…
    So well, i cbet something like 12 into 20ish. Got one call.

    Turn (45) 974-Q
    Check check

    Riv (45) 974Q-8
    I check and villain bet 25.

    Do you call?

    My gut feeling was that I was good, I almost snap called, wasn’t concerned about the Q. But then I took a second thought, maybe he could call pf with connectors or gappers (ip) and have hit 2 pairs or something like that… on the other hand, my line is pretty weak…

    What do you guys think?

    For the visuals : SMP


    since you haven’t mentioned any suits on the community cards, I will assume they are rainbow 😉

    J9 is a hand that I don’t open unless i’m in the CO or later, but if you think you have a skill edge, you can make that open. just be sure to not make too many of these loose opens.

    you could also have made it 12-15, I would prefer that in these kind of games, but anyway, in theory there’s nothing wrong with making it 7, so far so good

    flop: standard play I think, you can use your weak top pairs in your checking range to make sure that if you check you don’t always expose yourself to a turn bet by villain, but cbetting is fine. sizing looks okay I think, around half pot, can go a bit bigger maybe

    turn: the most interesting street of this hand. your check on the overcard looks weak, if the opponent had no showdown value ( a straight draw or any kind of other draw), he should bet 99% of the time here ( at least I would). his check makes me believe he either has a Q ( in that case you just ran bad i’m afraid) or a pair, maybe A9 or A7. sometimes you will see him have A high, but rarely ( that hand might also bet since the showdown value is low).

    the river is a value bet I think. when he checks back the turn I believe he must have some showdown value, and second pair weak kicker doesn’t beat much. with your line, I would check back an A high, so either he has a Q or a better 9, or he turns a hand like A high or third pair into a bluff. The only hand that can check back the turn and bet the river that we are ahead of is 109, since every other combination now beats us ( even some wacky played 10J or 98 or something). I think I would find a fold here, you will have better hands to call him down with in this spot.

    Chuck M

    Hey Laurens
    Thanks for your answer, makes a lot of sense

    Chuck M

    Oops just noticed my title is wrong, obv i dont have tp, but 2nd pair lol (or tp on flop)

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