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- This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by
03/04/2019 at 9:32 pm #3804
ParticipantPlaying 1-3 at a local place . My stack is 425. Get dealt k 10 of hearts as the sb. High jack raises 25 I raise to 50. Flop is Q 9 6 (queen and 9 of hearts). I bet 50 high jack raises to 100 I shove for 325. He flips A 9 ( ace is clubs 9 is diamonds ) board goes 4 clubs 7 spades. I lose . Was that a good shove ? Should I have played it out to the turn by just calling?
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03/05/2019 at 7:39 am #3816John S
ParticipantNot a huge fan of the way you played the hand.
Pre-flop: I like the 3-bet. Suited broadway is a good 3-bet candidate, especially against a hijack open. My problem is the size. When you min-raise here you are giving the hijack a good price to call. He’s calling $25 into a pot of $75, he’s supposed to call lighter here. I think your raise here should be at least to $75. I would probably make it something like $90.
Flop: I like the lead out here, but when he min-clicks it back I think all you should do is call. You’re raising here for two reasons: One is to get the money in so when you hit you get paid. The second is fold equity. I don’t think you have much fold equity since he’s already raised you and I doubt he’s folding for this price.
Granted, you’re actually favored to win this hand given what he had, but he should have been much stronger here given his line of min-raising you on the flop. Unless you had a read on this guy that he’s going to spew off with any random pair, I think the right play is to call and see a cheaper turn since I think it’s very likely you’re behind.
03/05/2019 at 10:30 am #3822DeeKay
ParticipantJohn S makes good sense. Would need to know a little more about the player. I see a shove here if you think he has a weak hand and turning the pressure on… happy to take down the pot. But since you are only suited and gutted, your looking at 13 outs instead of 17 outs.
We also know he called your mini raise, and he mini raised you. So I would be a little scared that he has A-Q or Q-9. In which case, I like the call because right now you likely have less showdown equity than he. Unless you think he’s week and you can get him to fold, I like the call, particularly as you have position on him. I could possible re-think this if you were out of position.
You could question how he called with only 2nd pair. But the shove to me thinks you are drawing. No way you shove with a strong hand… why give all that value away. So he puts you on hearts and makes the call. In my opinion its not the worst play in the world, but I think we probably want to control the pot size here until we’ve made our hand, especially when our opponent is representing strength.03/05/2019 at 8:17 pm #3829allin67
ParticipantA few comments.
#1 – I agree with John S. about your poor bet sizing on your pre-flop 3-bet.
#2 – I am okay with the idea of three betting pre-flop, but I hope there was a logic to it (for example, the villain in the hand was very active in late position). At this point, you are clearly bluffing with a marginal hand, so it would be nice to have a plan that is based on that (with this mindset it should be clear you are bet sizing to get a fold).
#3 – I feel like the Villan’s min raise on the flop generally means one of two things. It means he has a monster and is trying to get more money in the pot without scaring you away. Or he has a medium strength hand or more likely a draw and is trying to buy a free turn for cheaper than it will cost him if he calls the flop and lets you set the turn price. I played a hand earlier this year where a conservative older player min raised me when I flopped a four card Royal. Out of position, I raised $75 more (about $25 shy of pitting him all in). He folded AK at this point (flopped a pair of Kings, Ace kicker). This player was clearly min raising here to “find out where he was at”.
#4 – sorry, this is long winded. Based on my experience above, I think you can have some fold equity, especially against some opponents, by shoving. Add in you 12 outs to straights and flushes (roughly 48% equity without counting something like drawing to a pair of kings) and I like the shove here. Shoving also gets you paid in full when you hit (instead of letting your opponent Fold if a third Heart arrives and he loses his nerve).
#5 – A final oddity of the hand I don’t understand. Did the Villiam here really go from a $3 bet to make it $25. That is a huge over-raise. Were there a lot of limpers? Any read on why the over-bet? The read here plays into whether I like the $50 three bet pre-flop.
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03/05/2019 at 8:32 pm #3831Chris
ParticipantSo a few other things to clarify to the hand. 4 other players limped in before the 25$ raise. The highjack that raised to 25 was playing in that seat for about 3 hours give or take with me prior to this . He was super aggressive doing multiple all in hands and reloading twice. At one point he called a 100$ raise with pocket 3s ! I figured I could take him for value with the odds that I have but then realized i should have just called instead of shoveling because of how aggressive he was. The more I think about it I doubted a fold the whole way so I should have played more conservative to see if I hit my hand. Thanks for all the replies I appreciate the help everyone !
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