I’ve Just Begun Learning NL Holdem

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    Basically, over the past few months I’ve become more interested in pursuing poker and am beginning to study hard. My main question is this- how do you use equilab to get better?

    I know it’s useful for reviewing specific hands versus the range of an opponent (and I’ve created open raise ranges, calling ranges, and 3-betting ranges for each position and saved them) but there has got to be a more efficient way to become more familiar with what equity you have on certain flops, turns, and rivers than simply randomly trying different hands against different ranges on different flops and trying to memorize the equity.

    Maybe I’m missing something obvious, but I’m just looking for a more efficient and effective means of becoming more familiar with what equity I have in different situations.


    Hi Jen, I’m in more or less the same situation as you. Unfortunately, I can’t exactly answer your question but I can recommend a video by spiltsuit(“How to use Equilab” is the title) it gave me a clearer understanding of what Equilab was, now what I do is I just put some rough ranges I’d put my opponent on, pick a hand from one of my ranges (after I’ve given myself a position) and see how well it would do. Then I write it down (I’ve named the range types) and quiz myself on the equity.

    I’d love to hear if there’s a more effective way.

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