HOw do you guys handle being the aggressor and defender on mono-tone flops? I find myself frequently folding to early signs of aggression even with hands like top pair good kicker if I don’t have a flush draw. On the other hand I will often find myself semi-bluffing with hands like bottom pair and the third nut to nut flush draw. Below are some scenarios that I frequently find myself in.
Scenario 1:
Hero: 100BB MP JcJs
Villain: 100BB Button
Pre flop: Hero Raise to 4BB, Villain calls.
Flop 369 all Diamonds
Scenrio 2:
Hero: 100BB Cutoff 5h5d
Villain: 100BB Button
Pre flop: Hero raise to 4bb, Villain calls.
Flop: 289 all hearts Villian Checks
Scenario 3:
Hero: 100BB SB 7h8h
Villain: 100BB Cutoff
Pre flop: Hero raises to 3BB, Villain calls.
Flop: TQK all hearts
Scenario 4:
Hero: 100BB UTG+2 QsQc
Villain: 100BB Button
Pre Flop: Hero raise to 3.5BB, villain calls
Flop: 78K all spades
Thanks for the help and hopefully I’m not the only one to learn something.