Too tight a fold?

Home Forums Share Your Hand No Limit Holdem 1-2 \ 1-3 Too tight a fold?

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    More than once I have found myself in the following situation or similar. This happened at Planet Hollywood the other day

    1-2 No Limit. Me: $240. Villian $600.

    Me, UTG +2 with KK. Raise to $15. Only MP aggressive winning player calls.

    Flop: 6c 8s Qd

    I bet $25

    Villain raises to $70. I fold.

    I put him on a Set or AQ or less likely some straight draw holding. I am sure if I continue by either calling or re-raising stacks will be going in by the river. If I call the flop raise I cannot fold to further bets (barring possibly an ace on the turn). I am uneasy playing for all of it with one pair. Not sure what he puts me on – AK / KQ probably.

    I think this is probably too tight a fold and a general leak in my game where I tend to be too risk averse.

    Too tight a fold?

    Jarrin Solomon

    Hey Ken,
    I think you are correct in that it’s way too tight of a fold because of he is an aggressive winning player and you raised to $15 pre-flop if he had pocket Q he would most likely have re-raised you then. So if you eliminate that then he most likely isn’t calling your raise with 6,8 or 5,7. So you can eliminate the straight possibility there. If he did play 9,10 then he most likely isn’t gonna raise you 2xpot with a double gutter. So basically you should have his range narrowed down to either a pair of queens (which I think is likely here and he doesn’t want you catching a king or ace) or pocket 6’s or pocket 8’s. That being said if he is an aggressive good player he most likely isn’t gonna raise you if he flopped his set because he will wait for the turn and then see if you bet again and he will raise you there and get more value from his hand. I think the obvious play here with that kind of dry board and him raising you 2x pot is to shove here and either he has a set or he folds a queen with a good kicker. You still have quite a bit of equity here and too much to fold. I think you should have either called his raise and used a bit of pot control if you were worried about him having a set and then saw the turn. You had mentioned you thought he may have ace, queen as a reason for folding for fear an ace would hit. That is the wrong way to think about it. If he has ace,queen here that is precisely what you want here because he may be caught with a decision and call you off if you shoved knowing he’s drawing to only 6 outs to beat you. Your odds are pretty good with that scenario. In the end I definitely think that was way too tight of a fold and often times getting it all in with top one pair isn’t a bad thing on the flop. He may have read you a bit if you had played for long and figured out that you fold one pair hands and only wait for monsters. That could be a leak in your game and something you should work on when it comes to being comfortable with betting with single pair hands. Good learning situation though.

    John S

    Aggressive player? I can’t ever fold here for that price. Could have any Q, straight draw, even something like 98 and trying to push you off of AK. You’re only absolutely crushed against a set, you still have about 25% equity if he has 2 pair.


    yeah, guess I’ve got to grow a pair ! I think a kinda got lost in the hand as I was only expecting a call or a fold on the flop. then with the raise I was paralyzed and didn’t know where I was and probably too focused on what could beat me. but good to get firm confirmation that I was most probably ahead. thru the fuzz I kinda knew it was a weak fold but in the moment was unable to maintain clarity of mind and then commit to my assessment / read. will endeavor to plug this leak … thanks for the input.


    One thing I wouldn’t mind seeing you do in these kinds of situations is down betting on dry boards like that. The best they can on average have is top pair and some kind of gutterball with backdoor suits. There is no need to bet 25 into like 35. Bet 15 or even less. That way there raise is smaller allowing you to call and decide turns for less. While also allowing weaker hands to continue before deciding on your turn sizing.

    Overall I would say you can call here and possibly fold turns. If he is a winning player he can put pressure on here knowing you likely only continue with top pair, KK or AA. Most other opening hands, this flop is better for his range. Then you should have called and decided turns.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Chris.
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