5-5 at Commerce. In the cutoff, button to my left is a solid but aggressive pro routinely punishing limpers from late position. Two limpers before me, I look down at JJ to induce the button, who folds this time. Tight actor in SB raises to 25. Old gambler in BB calls. Young loose pro calls, next limper folds, I call 25 putting the actor on a premium hand. 4 ways to a flop.
Board comes out Jc8c5d. SB checks, BB opens for 40,pro kid calls. I am putting the actor in the SB on a big overpair or possibly AK. The gambler has been sticking around all day hitting ridiculous straights and flushes. My stack is 450, covered by the gambler and a bit more than the other two. So…
I raise to 120. I have a tight table image and have exploited it a few times recently to get small postflop bluffs through, so I am thinking the actor will shove for 300 with his overpair of he doesn’t have AK. Instead he tanks, grumbles and folds, later saying he had QQ. The other two fold, I take the pot.
My question: even with the two tone board, was the raise to 120 too aggressive? Should I have called to induce an isolation shove from the SB? I am quite OK with how it played out, but curious about any other lines. I am standing by my JJ limp though… I had two prime candidates to raise it on the button and the BB and was a very specific table read.