Whats Up from OK/TX

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  • #1117
    Travis Rice

    I’m a poker dealer at Winstar World Casino who plays poker 3-4 times a week building a roll to retire on 🙂 I typically play 2/5 or 1/2 depending on what is available. I have been playing poker for about 6 years or so. Just wanting to leave my footprint here on this site.

    Brandon Johnson

    What’s up man, I play at Windstar 2-3 times a week..I play 1-2 1-3 and Wednesday tournaments


    Just out of curiosity, have you winstar regulars noticed any drop off in the last 2 months? A beautiful new card house just opened in Austin, and the games have been great. Just curious. Cheers!

    Brandon Johnson

    No it’s been pretty consistent.. There’s is a big tournament at Choctaw which has took some regs but it’s been regular crowds.. They probably had 30 tables going Saturday

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