I believe that your line makes sense given the read and the stack sizes. With him playing so loose and with such a large stack I think your shove makes sense. If you flat call the 35, you have 65 behind. The pot would already be 92 assuming that the lojoack folds, and 112 if he calls(which he does). On a flop, you are only looking for really 2 cards, the other 10’s, while trying to dodge most over cards. This makes most flops hard to play with a small stack and almost no fold equity against a loose player. Also, by reraising pre you have some fold equity against the lojack. He needs to call $85 with a player behind just to see the flop.
Now as an aside I think that folding is actually better than calling. With two people behind you will reach a lot of flip situations where you are dodging three or more over cards(A9s and QJs for instance) and flush and straight draws. With this in mind and seeing that calling helps the lojacks pot odds bringing him in more often I would take folding over calling. That’s just my opinion though